Monday, April 30, 2012

Random creative writing - writing portfolio

A pirate who’s vain attitude to discover the richest and precious cargo of wrecked whips across the seas, lead to endless scandal, battles and thieves of his rivals. The race of looting seemed impossible with the enemy taking the lead. Enough was enough so he turned his takings to his opponents. With this pirates trickery, he stole what was rightfully his though the raging storms at the resting city. With the tides turning and the wealth building, his rampage caused a lot of attention towards him and the treasure he was seeking. Rumours of his capture and death spread though the seas. With this new bounty above his head and the damming secrets spreading around the ship, trust was hard to give. The pirate was doubtful against his crew. His plan of escape and safety was about to unfold. A storm brew before their eyes, a giant octopuses came out and flipped the ship over… The pirate was trapped in the bows of the ship. Screaming and yelling not of the destruction, but his obsessive wealth and treasure were sinking in the depths. He cries and gargles for this sad scene, blinding him of the dangers. His stubbornness made him swim down into the golden surrounding, desperately snatching and plucking the gold from these cool waters. He arose in anger, screaming and cursing. “Graa! Curse you all! All you bloody dogs will suffer my rath and revenge!”- Crunches and cracks, snaps and splits of the hull.“Argh! Arggggh!” Clutching his heart the pirate fall over in double. “I need daaa peeee ramediks!!” “I have a heeeartattack! Can you people not seeeeee!!” 111 was called and the helicopter flew over like a bird to its baby birds. But  the weather let out a surprising KABOOM which left the helicopter squashed on top of the pirate “arggggh…” The pirate was shocked of this new technology. “A bloody moving demon from the Cracken?’ His idea of this made him think he was going to Davy Jones locker. With the rest of his strength left, he prepared for death. Reflecting his life, proud of his adventures, he regrets nothing and dies holding the coins in his hand.

Wordle of art

Photo Essay

Trip to the beach

All random photos from the internet

Create a voki

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Creative writing - writing portfolio

A homeless boy walking through the streets around the beaches. All he had was a small bag on his back and a jacket at his side. Blessed with this summer heat, knowing that the night will be warm and dry. With this windless day the moments are a blessing.
His stomach groans and his hungry for food sets in. The boy goes off to the local shopping mall. He weaves through the people as fast and he can so he can avoid the security spotting him or worse, people who know him. He races off to the food court but that is not the location he wishes to be. He turns the corner and out runs outside of the mall to a small food stand. An old man standing, preparing and serving food to his customers. The boy wait in a small line of 3 slowly walking forward. Finally he reaches the front of the stand.

“hey yar’er.” The old man words mixed up with his thoughts. “Yah’ I ah’ still gotta finish up some uh… orders so uh… this will take about an hour or so? So’er… sit tight and I’ll be finishing soon.” His smile pulls up all his wrinkles. The boy smiles back and walks to an empty table with an umbrella open. The shade working well though this heat.

An hour passed. And after watching the seagulls begging and scrambling for left over chips. His fest is about to come. The old man packing up his stand and putting the left over deep fried chips and chicken into one big bowl. He walks over to the boy with the hot steaming food.
“Dig in” His ugly smile still remains as he set the bowl of food down on the table. The boy does what he says. He grabs the chips like pinching crab claws and swallows the chips down hole. “thank you sir!” He says with his mouth full.

“Your very welcome” The old man smile slowly died. “You never say anything… why are you… uh… hanging around the streets? Day and night? If you don’t mind me asking…”
The boy wishes not to listen to that question. His slowed his eating down but didn’t stop.
He shrugged his shoulders.

They both sat in silent for a few seconds. The question seemed like it hanged through the air expecting an answer.
“I don’t know…” The boy mumbled. “I don’t wana go home…”
“What’s wrong at ah… home?” said the old man.
“Nothing just… don’t like it there…”
“If you want uh… to you could stay with me, for a while and’er… Or not… um…”
The boy smiled to this offer. No way he could refuse the generous man’s care.
“ok” the boy said. “I don’t like home cause its crap.”
The old man had a thought of what his home would have been like. So he didn’t ask any more questions.

“Alright!” he said out loud. “Come and help me with this stuff and we’ll get going”
They both smiled, and the boy finished the bowl of food and helped the old man out.