Monday, May 7, 2012

Chaos Legion Review

Chaos Legion

Chaos Legion is released by Capcom giving a similar element of Devil May Cry and Dynasty Warriors. Fans of Devil May Cry finds this game quite similar but describes this game to be more slices ’n dicing with awesome control of un-earthly forces.

Throughout the gameplay you fight against giant spider-like creatures and ugly looking and annoying dogs. While fighting through these beasts they start to become stronger and eventually change into an army of zombies, big bully things and shooting-skating guys.

The bosses I find quite fun to fight. Being able to fight against these large odd bosses making these challenges fun.
But you are not alone fighting, you have the choice to summon un-earthly forces named Chaos Legions. Through each stage you can unlock them all one by one.
There are a total of seven Legion’s that you can control.
  • Guilt: Sword Legion, Attacks furiously with their broadswords.
  • Hatred: Power Legion. Uses hand-to-hand combat.
  • Malice: Arrow Legion. Archers that attack with crossbows.
  • Arrogance: Shield Legion. A defensive legion that can absorb a significant amount of damage before their shields break.
  • Flawed: Claw Legion. Agile legion that uses a pair of long claws as weapons.
  • Blasphemy: Bomb Legion. Self-destructs as an attack mechanism.
  • Thanatos: The Ultimate Legion and the strongest one in the game. It changes forms as you upgrade it, starting out as an egg, then a juvenile dragon-like creature with jagged metal wings, then an adult form of this dragon-like creature and finally changing into its "perfect" form; An angelic being with large wings.
You can equip two different groups of Legion’s throughout each stage. Different Legion’s also give you different powers in combat. So whatever the choice you can have different battle strategies in each stage.

  • Sieg Wahrheitthe main character of the story, and a young Knight of the Dark Glyphs. He uses the forbidden power of the darkest of Glyphs to summon these creatures. His goal is to stop Victor from opening the gates of chaos which will destroy all worlds.
  • You can also play as Arcia Rinslet once you clocked’ the game on medium. Her combat style is to fight with her guns or kick these beasts around. Her sweet foot work is fun through her gameplay. Arcia tags along with Sieg through the story.
  • Victor Delacroix is a friend Sieg but is also the “bad guy” of the story. But Victor is possessed by the spirit of Azrail (the god of death in Hausa). Victor thinks he saw Sieg kill his lover, Siela, but was blinded by Azrails power and fails to see that he- Himself killed her. So Victor goes out trying to get the tools needed to open the gate of chaos to “Unite” the worlds into one so he can see her again.
  • Siela Riviere is the victim in all this. Her death drives Victor into madness while all Sieg can do is to try and stop Victor. Siela’s dying words to Sieg, were: “Take care of Delacroix…” this is the reason why Sieg can’t kill him.

The story is quite confusing at first because it is based on the 7th chaos legion novel. The novel is written by Tow Ubukata and sadly, it’s not in English. While Sieg is chasing down Victor he is meet with disappointment every time when he see that Victor has gotten what he has, the Three Sacred Glyphs, The tools to open up the gates of chaos. In the end the gates are open but then Victor finally see the truth, Victor killed Siela and he was the one being possessed by the dark spirit. So Victor commits suicide by falling off the side of this platform to join his love. But Azrail is now released so Sieg fights him and destroys him. When Sieg destroys Azrail, Siela appears but looks dark and evil. So Sieg fights her and release her from this final darkness. In the end Siela looks good and normal again but in another world. She says her thanks to Sieg and her goodbyes. Then Victor appears at her side and Sieg fades away. Know that Victor and Siela is now resting peacefully, Sieg is happy and so is Arcia. The end.

Overall the Gameplay is Excellent! It’s fun and fulfilling with its hack ‘n slash and control of awesome deadly un-earthly force. Arcia’s game play is fun as well with a rain of bullets and ballet-like combat style. The graphic would have been excellent at the time of 2003. Its gothic look giving a serious and adventurist feel to the game. But the story was a letdown because it was hard to understand.

I rate this game 8/10. I recommend this game to the hack ‘n slash lovers and the love of classic gaming.

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